I illustrated this poster of Pete Doherty as an experimentation in a new fine art style I want to develop. I am available for commission if anybody is interested in a personal one. Drop me an email: falsify [at] sa3s.com
The crazy gas mask, post neo Samurai, Medieval-Punk helmet affair...or something or another. Serious pen tool abuse. T-shirt artwork available for sale, drop me an email if your interested.
Hand drawn illustration coloured in Photoshop. This is the first of a series of post-apocalyptic fashion/sex shoots I want to draw, so keep checking back for updates.
After being really inspired by Alan Moore, Frank Miller and Tod McFarlane I decided to create my own mini graphic novel for the latest Melting Pot event. Who wouldn't like to draw women clad in Agent Provocateur and wielding super sharp Katana's?
Recently I have been looking back at some of my 2005 era unpublished works and really digging the concepts but not so much the execution. This is a concept I came across so I decided to redraw it. I really like this posters nice positive message, even though at first glance it just looks like a suicide bomber.
Perfect for when you are out about town and some nutjob will not shut up talking cod shit to you, simply point to your chest 'Talk to Frank 'cos i'm mashed'.
SA3S decks up for sale. Choose any SA3S design you like or commission me to design something custom just for you. Hook me up for details: falsify@sa3s.com
Busted this out over 2 days, The image is actually fairly gruesome but I wanted the colour scheme to be a bit more playful. Will pimp this out to the highest bidder, so if anybody is interested in buying this design, send me an email: falsify [at] SA3S.com
Various characters thought up and illustrated by me. From left to right we have: Dead Uncle Sam, Blood Thirsty Lucha Bear & TheCage (The birds just love him)